Timer Stop doesn't stop counter count down...
Electric Film
Why doesn't Timer Stop stop the timer from counting down?
Also Docs says:
Note: This prevents the On Timer block from firing for the specified event (since it will never complete).
Not true. Even if TimerStop has been called, after completion, the timer will trigger the On Timer block. Why?
Our simple use is to display a counter on the LCD and be able to stop the timer counting down before the value timer has been charged. Now the counter continues to display how the value decreases even if the timer has been stopped with TimerStop.
We currently use a TimerStart block loaded with 0 instead of the TimerStop block. This doesn't fire the full OnTimer event, which is good!
Thank you!
Jimmy Hu
Jimmy Hu
Thanks for reporting this, it should now be fixed.
Electric Film
Jimmy Hu: Thank you for quick action! Indeed it is fixed.